Big Bentley offers pet cleaning products that take care of pesky odors and messes of all types.
Using only the highest-quality, non-toxic ingredients, their products are potent, effective, and safe.

Logo Design
Everyone loves doggies! So as fun as that is, why not make a logo that reflects that?
Brand Guidelines
Proper standards show the logo’s correct colors, usage, and position across all mediums in the brand guidelines.
Business Cards
Business cards are a first impression item. After many years of capitalism for business in our culture, we still see these, so make yours stand out.

Product Photography
With a new logo, a new product label was needed for popping off those store shelves. We incorporated the logo design into the labels for brand recognition.
Product Labels
After reviewing revenue goals with the client, we determined a more sophisticated product design, new branded photography was required to attract investors, retailers, and online customers.
Ecommerce website
Big Bentley’s new website design and online store. For now, buy your pet products at:
NerdBrand jumped in and created:
New Brand Message, Brand Standards, Colors, Product Branding, Product Labels, Logo Design, Business Cards, Shopify Website Design, and Photography.