
Branding identifies you to be a trusted and reliable service. It’s what makes you distinct from your competitors. Good branding beats paid ads.

Let The Lentils Fly! Skittles Rebrand Is A Step Into the Zany

Skittles rebrand is a leap into the nonsensical. New packaging, logo updates, and quirky advertising we've come to know from…

8 months ago

8 Key Considerations for Creating a Memorable Brand Identity

Before you worry about designing a new website, running Google Ads, or any other shiny marketing tactic, be sure you've…

9 months ago

5 Brands the Nerds Love and Adore

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day (or Single’s Awareness Day depending on your outlook), we asked the NerdBrand team to…

3 years ago

Great Advertising – “Pretty is easy. Smart is hard.” – Mitch’s Axiom #343

There’s a line of thought in advertising something like this: some work wins awards, and others sell products. The wisdom…

5 years ago

“Everything Is An Ad” – A Key to Solid Brand Building

When you think of ads and advertising, what comes to mind? For most people, it's usually television or print advertising.…

5 years ago

Why Your Business Must Have A Brand Guide

Brand guides define the acceptable uses of your logo, color palette, font choices, photography style, and tone of message across…

5 years ago

What is Employer Branding?

Employer Branding is something that we believe will become highlighted among brands in 2020. Without putting investment into your company’s…

5 years ago